Update- Sam has a blog all his own for his findings and personal Information its - http://samueltayloratkins.blogspot.com/, for all and any past and present updates on sam. Sams grave also has been found. Feel free to visit his Blog.
Samuel Taylor Atkins is a relative of mine. I have always felt a link , or if you will a bond with him through the years. I first discovered his existence in a musty smelling old family book compiled way before my time. I was always greatly saddened by how short his life was. As I got older and started to do family research I had wanted to find out more. Though he is closely related I use the term distant because of how far apart he died before I was born. He is the same age as me pretty much, we are just separated by over sixty years to meet. Sam died young due to being hit in the head by a 2 X 4 the legend goes. no one in my family seems to remember him as he was alive so long ago. another hindrance is those people have passed on before my time. Sameul taylor was only 23 when he died. He was the son of my great great Grandfather and Grandmother. I am so centered on finding him because something reaches out through the ages to touch me about him. He is exactly my age at the moment he died so long ago. His grave is unmarked in Van Alstyne Cemetery. This webpage holds the only information about him I have ever found besides the Atkins family book. The Information reads "ATKINS SAM TAYLOR , UNMARKED GRAVE - DEATH BOOK5 PAGE 1 NO. 96, DIED IN SHERMAN, FRACTURED SKULL.I am hoping today to be able to head to the cemetery and dowse where his grave might actually be. Grave downing can be used to tell where a body is, the sex and age and sometimes( I don't know how) cause of death. Above this Paragraph
MALE /WHITE/SINGLE B. IN TENN. 23 MAR 1904 - 19 MAY 1927. LIVED IN HOWE, BURIED IN VAN ALSTYNE 20 MAY 1927. Sadly not long after his older brother James bedford atkins died.
is the video I watched.
I know about the location of where he could be. one of my older remaining Atkins relatives whose father was a brother of Sam told me what she knew. He is supposed to be buried near his brother James, so that would mean Sam was buried first.
James is buried in this section the map labeled as J.b or James bedford. so its possible his brother is buried somewhere close by as having been buried there the year before . after sames accident he was taken to st. vincents sanitarium Sherman Texas where he lingered for many days before dying because of his injuries in closing it is a cause very near and dear to me to find at least some kind of information of sams life and death. everyone deserves to have a known resting place. so I think I owe it to him to find it.
This is a picture of Same at he age of 17 with his two sisters Lottie and Lillian taken about 1920.
This photo below is all that's left of St. Vincents after a fire in the 1980s. Only the entrance remains.
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